About LawReviews

The LawReviews website was founded to provide up-to-date and reliable information on lawyers in Israel and to enable lawyers to manage and strengthen their online presence.

The uniqueness of the LawReviews website lies in its being a platform that allows the public to receive information about hundreds of law firms based on current reviews published by their clients alone. In addition to authentic reviews, the lawyer's page also provides information about the areas of practice of the firm, the languages in which services are offered, the location of the firm, the possibility of virtual consultations, and more...

In the past, people found lawyers based on recommendations from family members, friends, or acquaintances, or conducted searches for lawyers on various forums to find reviews from past clients. Now, there is a platform that centralizes all information about lawyers in Israel.

The LawReviews website allows the general public to get an impression of lawyers and their level of satisfaction based on reviews received from their previous clients, and the reviews are tagged according to the areas of practice performed by the lawyers.

In addition, on the LawReviews website, you can find additional information about lawyers, such as: academic background, professional experience, general information about the lawyer, photo galleries, articles, videos, and more.

If you did not find a specific lawyer on the LawReviews website, we would be happy to hear about it and add them (if they agree).

Collection of customer reviews: Lawyers send a link to customers through an automatic system. Upon receiving the message, customers are given the option to write a review quickly and easily by accessing the received link. In addition, clients of a law firm can contact LawReviews at any time through a contact page on the website or through a link to Add a Review on the page of each law firm, and present the invoice as proof of service from that law firm. After verifying the invoice, the same customer will be given the opportunity to leave a review of the law firm, whose invoice was verified by LawReviews.

All reviews received by the LawReviews system are published quickly on the website and appear on the relevant lawyer's profile page.

It is not possible to remove reviews from the website's system, except by direct contact from the author of the review to the LawReviews system.

We hope that the LawReviews website will assist everyone in finding the most suitable lawyers for them through a reliable system for collecting reviews and the wisdom of the crowds, while also helping lawyers to attract the most appropriate clients for them.

You can contact us at the email address: info@lawreviews.co.il or through the contact page on the website.

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Les informations et le contenu affichés sur ce site ne sont fournis qu'à titre informatif constituent des avis subjectifs émis par des internautes ne sont pas et ne substituent pas à un avis médical. Toute utilisation des informations contenues sur ce site nécessite vérification auprès des parties concernées. L'utilisation du site et de son contenu relève de la seule et entière responsabilité de l'utilisateur

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